Monday, October 29, 2018

Importance of Beforehand Trained Qualified Engineers of different Branches

In our country a large no. of qualified engineers are being produced every year.
These, just graduated Engineers are not Engineering Professionals.Industry needs to employ Engineering Professionals, may be budding,but should be professionals.

Just graduated Engineers have to be trained by dedicated experienced engineering professionals such that they are able to transform themselves to Engineering Professionals.
During this process of transformation the Just graduated Engineers are exposed to the attitude, environment,working on different trades, HR dealing skills, communication skills, engineering  aptitude is enhanced, industries are looking for all these traits in the incoming Engineers.

Colleges are providing academics. Academics is just data-bank, like in a computer.Different Software’s are required to use the computer effectively. 

Similarly, just fresh engineers need Beforehand training  with multi trades enabling them to work in Industries effectively with optimum productivity.

Industries look for such Beforehand Trained Engineers.These Engineers strengthen the sustainability of their Industry.

We are "Institute of employability skills" Creating a pool of ready to work talented professionals.