Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Industry and Recruitment of freshers

Industries specially MSMES are observed to be in a fix when they need to recruit fresh Engineers of any discipline or branch.

Today Engineering Graduates, Diploma and ITI levels are available.
As far as substitution /replacement of person from one level to another is considered, ideally is only 1 way. At times of requirement a graduate engineer can replace a Diploma or ITI , a Diploma can replace an ITI but reverse is not possible.
There is a myth that Engineers don’t contribute on the Shop floor,only ITI or Diploma level are contributing.

This is true that in general Diploma and ITI are working without much of argument with their management level, but the question is of PRODUCTIVITY achievement.
Production and Productivity are 2 different achievements in any Industry. Production can be achieved at any cost also, but this production will not give a stand in competitive markets with desired profits. While productivity achievement satisfies all corners and additionally makes the Industry as a recognised brand.

Therefore, Industry management  should consider some one on the Shop floor who understands PRODUCTIVITY and can analyse and put efforts to rectify or eliminate the reasons of low productivity.
This some one can be an Industry Ready Engineer with Matching attitude and budding engineering aptitude which will grow with growing understanding and experience. Most important of all is the matching ATTITUDE with CORPORATE culture to work in Industry.
Industrialis and management teams should consider improvement in productivity through Skilled and Matching Attitude personnel to achieve productivity and BRANDING in long run.