Monday, April 1, 2019

Lets Change the Education System

Education system of our country needs to be reformed as soon as possible,such that our country system’s contribution shares higher % than the % contribution of political leadership.It means Common Men understands the importance of Education. Right now Common men understand Certificate of Education.

Firstly Government should form a National Policy on Building National Army of Teachers, on the pattern of Indian Army of Force.
All most all of us know that B.Ed. Colleges play the most important role in producing Quality Teaching Professionals.But atleast all the readers know the status of these colleges.

This reformation should make the teachers & faculties and the Management responsible to minimum set of academic level of the respective Certificate holder. Xth  standard onward 1 and only 1 on line test should be conducted at National level.This merit list should be used for deciding eligibility to higher education up to standard XIIth. Again an “on line “ test after XII th standard at National Level should be conducted and the merit list should be used for admission in Professional Education at Graduate level.

Again after graduation, an on line aptitude test on the basis of GATE, should be conducted and applications for employment decisions should be on this basis. Interested candidates should apply and selected on the National merit as per the no. of applicants and vacancies.
Detailed procedure should be worked out.This GATE merit should decide the candidature for PG level.

Education ministry and Employment ministry should be under one minister, and respective educationists and professionals be the secretary of different streams.They should be responsible for the quality of undergraduates/graduates qualifying each year from each stream.
This will eliminate the underemployment and so unemployment to a great extent.
Present system of conducting recruitment eligibility test of each opportunity should be discarded as this is generating disappointment among all job aspirants for they are busy in trying Luck in all sorts of vacancies appearing in staggered and scattered manner.

All this transformation can not be achieved just by making a National Policy, this is a slow process but should be initiated sooner the better.

All readers are requested to please share their valuable opinions.