Thursday, December 20, 2018

Productivity & Profitability of Core Industry

A very important concern of all most all Core Sector Industries is to achieve optimum level 
of Productivity,which is the key to Profitability of the Industries.

We have to understand difference between SKILL and SKILLS SET.We have to understand a Technician and an Engineer.

Optimum Productivity achievement is a function of SKILLS SET not SKILL. Job completion is a function of SKILL.

In order to be rich in SKILLS SET, one needs formal education based knowledge, where as one needs continuous practice to perform a particular Job with Skills. More the experience, higher the SKILL.

Here lies the difference between a technician (SKILLED person) and a Trained Engineer ( a person with SKILLS SET).

Industries need EMPLOYABLE Engineers, means Engineers who understand Industry, whose SKILLS SET is SPROUTED with matching attitude and understanding of engineering aptitude.

Institute of Employ ability Skills,VSIPL,Bhopal a team of experienced & Proven Engineering Professionals is engaged in Transformation of fresh Qualified Engineers to Employable Engineers who match with Industry’s and are capable of delivering productivity and sustainability to the Industry.

Industries should consider taking advantage of such opportunities to recruit Before hand Trained Engineering Professionals. 
We are "Institute of employability skills" Creating a pool of ready to work talented professionals.

Monday, December 10, 2018

“Skill & Skills Set , Employability & Employment “ one package.

This 21st century is a very amazing century.
Ultra modern facilities to eliminate human efforts are being created.
These new facilities are giving birth to unlimited crowd of desires.
Entrepreneurs and Innovative daring people are busy in creating the new facilities.
“Rest are busy in chasing employment to earn money and buy the facilities.”
How to get employment is the great concern of majority of Population.
The employment seeker should have Employability Skills set in addition to the relevant education,
and be ready to work in Industry.
Education never gives the required skills set.
MSMEs / Industry has no provisions to first cultivate  the employee with skills set matching to Industry,
and then start using them to work and grow.
More than 80% employment seekers need a support to polish & finish and enable them to cultivate and spurt up the Employability Skills Set in them.
For this reason another agency is required to take up this challenging task for the cause of society.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

To know Employability meaning.

Employment of some one is not a charity to him by the employer. Similarly an employee doesn’t work for charity, he expects a due compensation in the form of money.
Employer hires one as a professional of some trade.*Professional* word’s standard meaning in Hindi is व्यवसायी.
Now this word’s meaning and understanding need not be explained. The professional and the employer exchange particular knowledge based services and the remuneration as per market rates and economics of the service.

All most all qualified graduate/diploma engineers can be transformed to budding engineering professionals through meaningful training just before their Employment.

One who possesses some knowledge based deliverable skills set, from the beginning of employment is known as Employable one professional.

Very few fresh Graduate/ Diploma Engineers possess deliverable skills set. But it is experienced that if one steers his attitude to match with that of an Industry, can be trained & transformed and enabled to deliver his skills set to his employer.This training and transformation is a process of a Finishing School after securing a degree or diploma in some technical trade.

Thus the training which transforms and enables someone to deliver skills set in some specific trade is known as Employability Training.

We are "Institute of employability skills" Creating a pool of ready to work talented professionals".

Monday, October 29, 2018

Importance of Beforehand Trained Qualified Engineers of different Branches

In our country a large no. of qualified engineers are being produced every year.
These, just graduated Engineers are not Engineering Professionals.Industry needs to employ Engineering Professionals, may be budding,but should be professionals.

Just graduated Engineers have to be trained by dedicated experienced engineering professionals such that they are able to transform themselves to Engineering Professionals.
During this process of transformation the Just graduated Engineers are exposed to the attitude, environment,working on different trades, HR dealing skills, communication skills, engineering  aptitude is enhanced, industries are looking for all these traits in the incoming Engineers.

Colleges are providing academics. Academics is just data-bank, like in a computer.Different Software’s are required to use the computer effectively. 

Similarly, just fresh engineers need Beforehand training  with multi trades enabling them to work in Industries effectively with optimum productivity.

Industries look for such Beforehand Trained Engineers.These Engineers strengthen the sustainability of their Industry.

We are "Institute of employability skills" Creating a pool of ready to work talented professionals.