Monday, December 10, 2018

“Skill & Skills Set , Employability & Employment “ one package.

This 21st century is a very amazing century.
Ultra modern facilities to eliminate human efforts are being created.
These new facilities are giving birth to unlimited crowd of desires.
Entrepreneurs and Innovative daring people are busy in creating the new facilities.
“Rest are busy in chasing employment to earn money and buy the facilities.”
How to get employment is the great concern of majority of Population.
The employment seeker should have Employability Skills set in addition to the relevant education,
and be ready to work in Industry.
Education never gives the required skills set.
MSMEs / Industry has no provisions to first cultivate  the employee with skills set matching to Industry,
and then start using them to work and grow.
More than 80% employment seekers need a support to polish & finish and enable them to cultivate and spurt up the Employability Skills Set in them.
For this reason another agency is required to take up this challenging task for the cause of society.

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