Sunday, September 8, 2019

Importance of Industry Ready Engineer or any other professional

We have to understand “Industry Ready Engineer or any other professional”.
In shot one sentence, “one who is productive and profitable to the organisation.”
Now, it is Experienced that Industries be it a Large or MSMES they don’t have breathing space to work with just fresh and raw graduates and undergraduates.
The social environment is such that even if some employer recruits afresh and raw personal, he leaves the organisation without giving returns. Thus the investment on Training to fresh employee goes in vain and demoralizing to the employer.
The employer considers the old though not adequately qualified person to give the responsibility of the graduate engineer or other Professional. 
This phenomenon is one reason to generate unemployment.
The solution to this problem is to recruit engineers and other professionals from professional training and transformation institute where the just fresh and raw people are polished and transformed to be Industry Ready by way of a process completed by proven professionals.

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