Monday, September 23, 2019

How To Be Successful In The Productivity & Profitability Of Core Industry

A very important concern of all most all Core Sector Industries is to achieve optimum level 
of Productivity,which is the key to Profitability of the Industries.

We have to understand difference between SKILL and SKILLS SET.We have to understand a Technician and an Engineer.

Optimum Productivity achievement is a function of SKILLS SET not SKILL. Job completion is a function of SKILL.

In order to be rich in SKILLS SET, one needs formal education based knowledge, where as one needs continuous practice to perform a particular Job with Skills. More the experience, higher the SKILL.

Here lies the difference between a technician (SKILLED person) and a Trained Engineer ( a person with SKILLS SET).

Industries need EMPLOYABLE Engineers, means Engineers who understand Industry, whose SKILLS SET is SPROUTED with matching attitude and understanding of engineering aptitude.

Institute of Employ ability Skills,VSIPL,Bhopal a team of experienced & Proven Engineering Professionals is engaged in Transformation of fresh Qualified Engineers to Employable Engineers who match with Industry’s and are capable of delivering productivity and sustainability to the Industry.

Industries should consider taking advantage of such opportunities to recruit Before hand Trained Engineering Professionals. 

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