Monday, October 21, 2019

Un-Employment could it be ZERO!

There are many reasons for unemployment.

For the last 8 years, we are working on “ generating or creating a Pool of Employables through Training on Employability Skills in the respective core sector.”
During this journey, have following observations which describe the reasons for unemployment, and the core or the center of the problem is occupied by Social Conditions.
Firstly, most of the Job Aspiring Candidates want to secure a Govt Job.
 They inspired by society, attend different coaching institutions for 2/3/4 years. By this time, they forget their core knowledge, lose their energy level and try to find their job in the core sector.
Secondly, most of the Job Aspirants are reluctant to relocate for various silly reasons.
They accept underemployment after the lapse of a considerable time from their graduation date. They love their parents, so scared of leaving them! whereas, today the communication and transportation resources are so fast and effective that the geographical distance has lost its meaning.

Thirdly, the society and political atmosphere don’t encourage the job Aspirants to understand and change their attitude towards the job and the employer.
Huge social engineering is to be performed to resolve the issue of unemployment.
We, from the Institute of Employability Skills by the “Verdure Skills India Pvt Ltd, 
Bhopal “ is putting our efforts in this line and getting 100% success with limited no. of candidates who approach and join us.

I wish we could bring an Idealistic Situation of Zero-Unemployment.

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