Friday, May 1, 2020

Work Culture!

Good habits of a child are formed by parents and school teachers.Work Culture is another Good Habit without this Habit, one may remain a good son/daughter and citizen only till 15/18. Absence of work culture transforms a good youth to an unemployable youth.S/he wants money but can’t earn. Our country is going to be the largest youth holding country , but their constructive power can be used only by work culture since childhood.After graduation it is possible but very difficult to transform the culture.
During our childhood/school days “self dependency” was a part of our formal education. All popular Role Models from all fields should come forward for this purpose.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020



Once, Lord Indra got upset with Farmers, he announced there will be no rain for 12 years & you won’t be able to produce crops.

Farmers begged for clemency from Lord Indra , who then said , Rain will be possible only if Lord Shiva plays his Damru. But he secretly requested Lord Shiva not to agree to these Farmers & when Farmers reached Lord Shiva he repeated the same thing that he will play Damru after 12 years.

Disappointed Farmers decided to wait till 12 years.

But one Farmer regularly was digging, treating & putting manure in the soil & sowing the seeds even with no crop emerging.

Other Farmers were making fun of that Farmer . After 3 years all Farmers asked that Farmer why are you wasting your time n energy when you know that rains will not come before 12 years.

He replied “I know that crop won’t come out but I’m doing it as a matter of “practice”. After 12 years I will forget the process of growing crops and working in the field so I must keep it doing so that I’m fit to produce the crop the moment there is rain after 12 years.”

Hearing his argument Goddess Parvati praised his version before Lord Shiva & said “You may also forget playing the Damru after 12 years!”

The innocent Lord Shiva in his anxiety just tried to play the Damru, to check if he could….and hearing the sound of Damru immediately there was rain and the farmer who was regularly working in the field got his crop emerged immediately while others were disappointed.

It is the practice which keeps on making you perfect.

We become even diseased or old just because we don’t practice.

Practice is the essence of quality survival.

So, let lockdown lift after 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years. Whatever trade or profession we are in, keep sharpening our skills, practice with what we have, upgrade our knowledge.

Don’t wait for rain , that is the lock down to be lifted and then start something… focus on our skills today, upskill your self so that you are ready to meet the challanges.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Un-Employment could it be ZERO!

There are many reasons for unemployment.

For the last 8 years, we are working on “ generating or creating a Pool of Employables through Training on Employability Skills in the respective core sector.”
During this journey, have following observations which describe the reasons for unemployment, and the core or the center of the problem is occupied by Social Conditions.
Firstly, most of the Job Aspiring Candidates want to secure a Govt Job.
 They inspired by society, attend different coaching institutions for 2/3/4 years. By this time, they forget their core knowledge, lose their energy level and try to find their job in the core sector.
Secondly, most of the Job Aspirants are reluctant to relocate for various silly reasons.
They accept underemployment after the lapse of a considerable time from their graduation date. They love their parents, so scared of leaving them! whereas, today the communication and transportation resources are so fast and effective that the geographical distance has lost its meaning.

Thirdly, the society and political atmosphere don’t encourage the job Aspirants to understand and change their attitude towards the job and the employer.
Huge social engineering is to be performed to resolve the issue of unemployment.
We, from the Institute of Employability Skills by the “Verdure Skills India Pvt Ltd, 
Bhopal “ is putting our efforts in this line and getting 100% success with limited no. of candidates who approach and join us.

I wish we could bring an Idealistic Situation of Zero-Unemployment.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The only solution to the problem of underemployment - Training

Most of us, irrespective of field consider that a Certificate of Professional Degree is an assurance of getting a Job. But the employers or self-entrepreneurs, (who have opted to invest in Industry creating employment opportunities and generate profits & add to national GDP) have some additional senses and select only those who are with ready substance relevant to the Certificate.
How to make the relevance visible, such that the certificate holder is selected by the employer?
The only such short road is through a bridge of Training which polishes & gives an all-round finishing touch to the certificate holder, enabling him to match with relevant Industry.
Training on one single module doesn’t give that required polish and finishing to match the Industry.
Training with “Package of Modules, which polishes & gives a finishing touch to transform as team of some relevant core industry” is the only solution to the problem of underemployment.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Role of Understanding and Communication Skills with Work Culture and Career Building

Most of us want a rising and shining career.
But many of these career lovers see only the superficial or outer orbit of the Career Making Personality.
Some say this is English Speaking, some say this is hard work and many 2 other traits.
But none of these traits singularly give rise to your CAREER.
At times, the shining brass piece gives the deceptive impression of gold. But a sampler does the complete test to ascertain the metal.
Similarly only speaking in English won’t suffice to make one’s career.
Understanding skills, communication skills ( not limited to English speaking), behavior skills homogenously mixed with the work culture and being productive give rise to your career.

We should understand describing an elephant by six blind people. They describe elephant like a pillar, a wall, a piece of rope, a piece of pipe, I mean whatever part of the elephant they touch, they consider is the elephant’s shape.

Therefore, I opine that we should speak to our younger generation in totality otherwise we are responsible for the blockade of their career.

Monday, September 23, 2019

How To Be Successful In The Productivity & Profitability Of Core Industry

A very important concern of all most all Core Sector Industries is to achieve optimum level 
of Productivity,which is the key to Profitability of the Industries.

We have to understand difference between SKILL and SKILLS SET.We have to understand a Technician and an Engineer.

Optimum Productivity achievement is a function of SKILLS SET not SKILL. Job completion is a function of SKILL.

In order to be rich in SKILLS SET, one needs formal education based knowledge, where as one needs continuous practice to perform a particular Job with Skills. More the experience, higher the SKILL.

Here lies the difference between a technician (SKILLED person) and a Trained Engineer ( a person with SKILLS SET).

Industries need EMPLOYABLE Engineers, means Engineers who understand Industry, whose SKILLS SET is SPROUTED with matching attitude and understanding of engineering aptitude.

Institute of Employ ability Skills,VSIPL,Bhopal a team of experienced & Proven Engineering Professionals is engaged in Transformation of fresh Qualified Engineers to Employable Engineers who match with Industry’s and are capable of delivering productivity and sustainability to the Industry.

Industries should consider taking advantage of such opportunities to recruit Before hand Trained Engineering Professionals. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Importance of Industry Ready Engineer or any other professional

We have to understand “Industry Ready Engineer or any other professional”.
In shot one sentence, “one who is productive and profitable to the organisation.”
Now, it is Experienced that Industries be it a Large or MSMES they don’t have breathing space to work with just fresh and raw graduates and undergraduates.
The social environment is such that even if some employer recruits afresh and raw personal, he leaves the organisation without giving returns. Thus the investment on Training to fresh employee goes in vain and demoralizing to the employer.
The employer considers the old though not adequately qualified person to give the responsibility of the graduate engineer or other Professional. 
This phenomenon is one reason to generate unemployment.
The solution to this problem is to recruit engineers and other professionals from professional training and transformation institute where the just fresh and raw people are polished and transformed to be Industry Ready by way of a process completed by proven professionals.