Monday, October 21, 2019

Un-Employment could it be ZERO!

There are many reasons for unemployment.

For the last 8 years, we are working on “ generating or creating a Pool of Employables through Training on Employability Skills in the respective core sector.”
During this journey, have following observations which describe the reasons for unemployment, and the core or the center of the problem is occupied by Social Conditions.
Firstly, most of the Job Aspiring Candidates want to secure a Govt Job.
 They inspired by society, attend different coaching institutions for 2/3/4 years. By this time, they forget their core knowledge, lose their energy level and try to find their job in the core sector.
Secondly, most of the Job Aspirants are reluctant to relocate for various silly reasons.
They accept underemployment after the lapse of a considerable time from their graduation date. They love their parents, so scared of leaving them! whereas, today the communication and transportation resources are so fast and effective that the geographical distance has lost its meaning.

Thirdly, the society and political atmosphere don’t encourage the job Aspirants to understand and change their attitude towards the job and the employer.
Huge social engineering is to be performed to resolve the issue of unemployment.
We, from the Institute of Employability Skills by the “Verdure Skills India Pvt Ltd, 
Bhopal “ is putting our efforts in this line and getting 100% success with limited no. of candidates who approach and join us.

I wish we could bring an Idealistic Situation of Zero-Unemployment.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The only solution to the problem of underemployment - Training

Most of us, irrespective of field consider that a Certificate of Professional Degree is an assurance of getting a Job. But the employers or self-entrepreneurs, (who have opted to invest in Industry creating employment opportunities and generate profits & add to national GDP) have some additional senses and select only those who are with ready substance relevant to the Certificate.
How to make the relevance visible, such that the certificate holder is selected by the employer?
The only such short road is through a bridge of Training which polishes & gives an all-round finishing touch to the certificate holder, enabling him to match with relevant Industry.
Training on one single module doesn’t give that required polish and finishing to match the Industry.
Training with “Package of Modules, which polishes & gives a finishing touch to transform as team of some relevant core industry” is the only solution to the problem of underemployment.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Role of Understanding and Communication Skills with Work Culture and Career Building

Most of us want a rising and shining career.
But many of these career lovers see only the superficial or outer orbit of the Career Making Personality.
Some say this is English Speaking, some say this is hard work and many 2 other traits.
But none of these traits singularly give rise to your CAREER.
At times, the shining brass piece gives the deceptive impression of gold. But a sampler does the complete test to ascertain the metal.
Similarly only speaking in English won’t suffice to make one’s career.
Understanding skills, communication skills ( not limited to English speaking), behavior skills homogenously mixed with the work culture and being productive give rise to your career.

We should understand describing an elephant by six blind people. They describe elephant like a pillar, a wall, a piece of rope, a piece of pipe, I mean whatever part of the elephant they touch, they consider is the elephant’s shape.

Therefore, I opine that we should speak to our younger generation in totality otherwise we are responsible for the blockade of their career.

Monday, September 23, 2019

How To Be Successful In The Productivity & Profitability Of Core Industry

A very important concern of all most all Core Sector Industries is to achieve optimum level 
of Productivity,which is the key to Profitability of the Industries.

We have to understand difference between SKILL and SKILLS SET.We have to understand a Technician and an Engineer.

Optimum Productivity achievement is a function of SKILLS SET not SKILL. Job completion is a function of SKILL.

In order to be rich in SKILLS SET, one needs formal education based knowledge, where as one needs continuous practice to perform a particular Job with Skills. More the experience, higher the SKILL.

Here lies the difference between a technician (SKILLED person) and a Trained Engineer ( a person with SKILLS SET).

Industries need EMPLOYABLE Engineers, means Engineers who understand Industry, whose SKILLS SET is SPROUTED with matching attitude and understanding of engineering aptitude.

Institute of Employ ability Skills,VSIPL,Bhopal a team of experienced & Proven Engineering Professionals is engaged in Transformation of fresh Qualified Engineers to Employable Engineers who match with Industry’s and are capable of delivering productivity and sustainability to the Industry.

Industries should consider taking advantage of such opportunities to recruit Before hand Trained Engineering Professionals. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Importance of Industry Ready Engineer or any other professional

We have to understand “Industry Ready Engineer or any other professional”.
In shot one sentence, “one who is productive and profitable to the organisation.”
Now, it is Experienced that Industries be it a Large or MSMES they don’t have breathing space to work with just fresh and raw graduates and undergraduates.
The social environment is such that even if some employer recruits afresh and raw personal, he leaves the organisation without giving returns. Thus the investment on Training to fresh employee goes in vain and demoralizing to the employer.
The employer considers the old though not adequately qualified person to give the responsibility of the graduate engineer or other Professional. 
This phenomenon is one reason to generate unemployment.
The solution to this problem is to recruit engineers and other professionals from professional training and transformation institute where the just fresh and raw people are polished and transformed to be Industry Ready by way of a process completed by proven professionals.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Interesting Facts About LEAN Management for engineers

Engineer’s employment is a concern to one and all in our country.
Where as Engineers are supposed to create and maintain and educate about the artificial facilities to human kind and maintain balance between the artificial world and the nature such that environment is not damaged beyond the tolerance limits of human kind.
This can be achieved by putting efforts with Lean management concepts in our understanding and practices.
I understand and compare Lean Management conception with that of “Mitavyaita” 
(as mentioned in Hindu culture ) in day to day operations.
Now let us understand the role of technicians in the whole process of production, manufacturing, and maintenance of the engineering facilities.
Technicians are very good at works, but it is very difficult for them to work as LEAN Management concepts. They need some one on the spot with them understanding the job, who understand the adverse impact of the job on the environment and resources and productivity and profits of the company.
This some one is a Trained Engineer who has aptitude to understand the work and the impacts on the environment.
Let us utilize the opportunity of availability of Qualified and Trained Engineers for better future to our next generations.
Further let us understand that Engineers inclusion in the team doesn’t increase the cost of production, rather this controls the cost.
We are "Institute of employability skills" Creating a pool of ready to work talented professionals.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Engineering Professional Is The Most Trending Thing Now.

Engineering Professionals are the most important professionals for any country.
In any profession every one doesn’t get rise in his career. He has to make a complete understanding of the profession where he is.
If one doesn’t make understanding with the works he is performing, he remains where he started.
If one wants career growth without Developing understanding about the engineering profession, this is daydreaming.
Engineers or any other professional without making understanding of the profession, becomes an hurdle to the organisation’s sustainability & growth and become football for business organisations.
Educational qualification certificate with highest marks doesn’t ensure understanding of the subject, this ensures knowledge bank.
A bank makes profits when this understands money, where as money depositors use bank as safe locker for their money where this doesn’t grow.

Same is about a growing professional , he practices with the knowledge and grows his knowledge and hence value, and this known as Career Growth.

VSIPL team assists various graduates/ undergraduates through training to sprout understanding with their knowledge. Enables them to secure entry in a matching core sector Industry where they grow by Practicing as knowledge tree yielding fruits.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The power of communication Skills

Necessity of communication skills for an engineering professional is not only important, but this essential trait in tandem with understanding of engineering basic concepts.

I understand that, communication skill doesn’t stand alone. This is a function of  
 I)   knowledge,
 ii)  understanding
 iii) thought process and
 iv) desire to share your thoughts with others and last but not least “absence of fear and hesitation”. 

If even one of the above elements is absent, your communication skill can not come on surface.

Of course all the above traits are related to specific profession.
An engineering professional can not be successful without rich communication skill, as he has to perform as a true leader. 

I request and suggest to get the standard meaning and understanding for Leader & leadership from dictionary. Let us not take it from surroundings.

An engineering professional means a leader and a leader means he is rich in communication skills.

Now the question is : how to improve upon your communication skills?

Solution is very simple, and this is :- make your will power very strong and start using your super computer.Charge the battery of this super computer.

We are "Institute of employability skills" Creating a pool of ready to work talented professionals.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Lets Change the Education System

Education system of our country needs to be reformed as soon as possible,such that our country system’s contribution shares higher % than the % contribution of political leadership.It means Common Men understands the importance of Education. Right now Common men understand Certificate of Education.

Firstly Government should form a National Policy on Building National Army of Teachers, on the pattern of Indian Army of Force.
All most all of us know that B.Ed. Colleges play the most important role in producing Quality Teaching Professionals.But atleast all the readers know the status of these colleges.

This reformation should make the teachers & faculties and the Management responsible to minimum set of academic level of the respective Certificate holder. Xth  standard onward 1 and only 1 on line test should be conducted at National level.This merit list should be used for deciding eligibility to higher education up to standard XIIth. Again an “on line “ test after XII th standard at National Level should be conducted and the merit list should be used for admission in Professional Education at Graduate level.

Again after graduation, an on line aptitude test on the basis of GATE, should be conducted and applications for employment decisions should be on this basis. Interested candidates should apply and selected on the National merit as per the no. of applicants and vacancies.
Detailed procedure should be worked out.This GATE merit should decide the candidature for PG level.

Education ministry and Employment ministry should be under one minister, and respective educationists and professionals be the secretary of different streams.They should be responsible for the quality of undergraduates/graduates qualifying each year from each stream.
This will eliminate the underemployment and so unemployment to a great extent.
Present system of conducting recruitment eligibility test of each opportunity should be discarded as this is generating disappointment among all job aspirants for they are busy in trying Luck in all sorts of vacancies appearing in staggered and scattered manner.

All this transformation can not be achieved just by making a National Policy, this is a slow process but should be initiated sooner the better.

All readers are requested to please share their valuable opinions.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Industry and Recruitment of freshers

Industries specially MSMES are observed to be in a fix when they need to recruit fresh Engineers of any discipline or branch.

Today Engineering Graduates, Diploma and ITI levels are available.
As far as substitution /replacement of person from one level to another is considered, ideally is only 1 way. At times of requirement a graduate engineer can replace a Diploma or ITI , a Diploma can replace an ITI but reverse is not possible.
There is a myth that Engineers don’t contribute on the Shop floor,only ITI or Diploma level are contributing.

This is true that in general Diploma and ITI are working without much of argument with their management level, but the question is of PRODUCTIVITY achievement.
Production and Productivity are 2 different achievements in any Industry. Production can be achieved at any cost also, but this production will not give a stand in competitive markets with desired profits. While productivity achievement satisfies all corners and additionally makes the Industry as a recognised brand.

Therefore, Industry management  should consider some one on the Shop floor who understands PRODUCTIVITY and can analyse and put efforts to rectify or eliminate the reasons of low productivity.
This some one can be an Industry Ready Engineer with Matching attitude and budding engineering aptitude which will grow with growing understanding and experience. Most important of all is the matching ATTITUDE with CORPORATE culture to work in Industry.
Industrialis and management teams should consider improvement in productivity through Skilled and Matching Attitude personnel to achieve productivity and BRANDING in long run.